It’s fair to say that, for the most part, the internet is pretty fantastic. From messaging mates and checking maps – to buying useless tat and reading bizarre Wikipedia articles; it’s hard to imagine life without it! In fact, the internet seems to seep into every aspect of our lives: you can order shopping online, washing machines can connect to the internet – you’re even reading this on the internet right now!
However, everywhere you look nowadays, everyone is connecting to the internet and sometimes it can all get a bit much and claustrophobic for some. Luckily, an unlikely hero has stepped forward to save us from ourselves and take us under their “wing” as KFC have unveiled the “Internet Escape Pod”!
The pod is like a tent, except with a twist – it’s made out of high density foam and features the iconic visage of Col. Sanders with his loving arms outstretched on top. Once the front is closed, no pesky Wi-Fi signal can penetrate inside the escape pod. KFC intended the pod to be used as a way of bringing friends and family closer together during the holiday period. Finally, generation Z can experience life as it was in a bygone era!
So if the modern age is truly getting you down (and you have a spare $10,000 around) it may be a worthwhile investment. After all what other tent has a chicken drumstick as a handle?
– @joesharp1996