When it comes to imaginative marketing, Volvo have truly outdone themselves as of late, with two impressive stunts – one in America and one closer to home here in London. Volvo Trucks have smashed the Guinness World Record for boxing up the biggest item ever for delivery. They encased the Volvo VNL truck in an 80’ x 40’ x 18’ box and successfully opened it without the use of tools (but with the help of three year old Volvo fanatic Joel Jovine).
The feat was witnessed by a representative from Guinness World Records and was captured in a heart-warming video by Volvo Trucks. The adorable clip depicts a delighted Joel being shown the box containing the truck outside his house. It follows him as he opens the gigantic box up all by himself, climbs inside the vehicle and explores all of the truck’s amenities, including a mini fridge and a bed.
The stunt comes on the same day as photographer Barbara Davidson collaborates with Volvo. Premiering right here in London, Volvo have created an innovative project where pictures are captured in a bustling city’s streets using the new Volvo XC60’s safety cameras, the first project ever of its kind.
The exhibition achieves what is very difficult to do nowadays – capturing life in modern city from a whole new perspective. The exhibition has resulted in some stunning, unique shots of people going about their day in amongst the bustling hubbub of the city.
Having been in a serious crash herself, Barbara states that her life was saved by being in a Volvo vehicle with exceptional safety features, making this project even more poignant. In these stunts, Volvo have struck a balance between advertising their products and engaging with a child’s captivating interest and wonder, as well as exploring the streets of a modern city in a whole new way.